
WNYAT.com   Western New York Assistive Technology


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The purpose of this project is to identify, verify and promote businesses and organizations that provide assistive technologies for the D/deaf and hard of hearing community. It has been our experience that although places are required by law to provide such technology, often it is not promoted and in many cases not functioning. We hope to encourage the venues to ensure their systems are working and make it readily known that they exist.

Please contact us if you know of a place that provides this type of technology so we may add it to our growing list or recommend a place that you would like to see it implemented.

We would also like to educate about the technology that is available so individuals can take advantage of them in the community as well as incorporate them into their daily lives. Many devices exist but the choices can be confusing. 

©2016 Western New York Assistive Technology WNYAT.com